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Lynsey A's Love of Romance

Well, I wouldn't call myself a huge blogger but I do at times like to tell my thoughts about books I've read...If you happen to catch those thoughts I hope you enjoy them.

Currently reading

Forgotten Sins (Sins Brothers, #1)
Rebecca Zanetti
The Devil's Shadow (Harlequin Presents, #1220)
Sally Wentworth
The Salvatore Marriage Deal
Natalie Rivers
The Price of Scandal
Kim Lawrence
Mistress: Pregnant By The Spanish Billionaire (#2919)
Kim Lawrence
Tough Customer - Sandra Brown I'm a fan of Sandra Brown. I enjoy her books and I think she does a great job of reeling readers into her stories. This one was no exception. I liked the idea of lovers reuniting after 30 years apart but I knew there was a painful reason as to why the two split up 30 years ago when they were deeply in love.

I liked the story but I didn't like it. As I mentioned, I liked the idea of lovers reuniting after 30 years but I don't like the reason they split up. I was hoping it wasn't what I thought but unfortunately it was. I hurt so badly for Caroline and I felt her pain at Dodge's betrayal. Then for her to be having their baby at the same time he was "doing his job or undercover work", all by herself. Ugh, it makes my heart hurt just typing this.

His betrayal really ruined the book for me at that point. Even though he was undercover and trying to find out information on a suspect it still wasn't right. He did it to get information and that almost made it worse.

However, he suffered for the next 30 years because of his betrayal. I like this scene where he apologizes to Caroline after 30 years:

"...it meant nothing. I went through it mechanically, the whole time planning what I was going to do as soon as it was over.

I didn't betray you with my dick. I betrayed you with my ego. Nothing I said then, or say now, will make any difference. I did it. But I want you to know how sorry I am about it all. When you told me I'd hurt you worse than Roger Campton had, I hated what I'd done. Hated myself for doing it to you and destroying what we had." He paused, took another soughing breah. "I've wanted to say this to your for thirty years. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you."

So, why 3 stars? Because I still liked the book. Dodge was good man who loved his woman with all of his heart but made a mistake that cost him 30 years with the woman he loved and 30 years with his daughter.

The love story between Berry, his daughter, and Ski Nyland, the deputy sheriff was okay but I was really more interested in her parents than her. I didn't dislike her but I wasn't a big fan of hers.

Sandra Brown always writes an interesting story with a twist and this was no execption. I really should've seen it coming but when it comes to SB, I usually don't.

A good quick read. I don't go out of my way to read a lovers reunited story but this one was worth it. Even with the pain. It really tied me up emotionally. Nicely done.